The First Pure-line Bible translated into Symbolic Universal Notation 

"But he [Jesus] answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

Toward the end of 2022, we ran across the concept beginnings of Symbolic Universal Notation used for the deaf. The SUN Bible paraphrase available from Wycliffe Bible Translators, along with Jesus words in Matthew 4:4, inspired us to try to add additional characters and endeavor to transcribe and translate a Bible from the Pure-line manuscripts where every original word is represented in the text. Our goal was not only to help the deaf, illiterate and otherwise unfortunate, but to provide an easy to learn Bible format that could be used by Bible groups around the world who had no pure-line Bible or no Bible at all in their language.

Our translation methods. Due to the the limitations of symbols and the fact that Pure SUN will be read in multiple languages, the Pure SUN translation is both "As literal as possible and as free as necessary." For example, to avoid confusion in languages where the pronouns it, he, and she are all the same word, we have generally retained the actual antecedent word at least once in a verse. (This can be see where "he" above has been translated "Jesus.") To facilitate blind or deaf readers, in other places we have also shortened sentences where possible. As the Reformers and Puritans did, we have translated with “formal equivalency” meaning we take the words in the original Hebrew and Greek and make sure that every word is represented in the Pure SUN receptor language. The very accurate King James Version wording has been taken into consideration where possible, but below you will find another list of Pure-line Bibles we may have borrowed wording from. Following the KJV tradition, but realizing italics were not really possible, words added for clarity have been placed in [square] brackets. Different languages used for the same word, such as Christ {Greek} vs. Messiah {Hebrew} have been signified with in-line "marginal" notes in curly brackets {braces}. We have attempted to use a Biblical form of the language to keep the flow and cadence of the originals as much as possible to make sure we give the people a faithful translation of God’s holy word.  As you can see below, we are delighted to have been able to retain the number variations for the word you - ye, thee and thou - in Pure SUN with a simple and readable format that harmonizes with other symbols in the original SUN. 

In this project we have consulted not only the King James Version, but have been also been seeking counsel in translation from 12 or 13 different languages and their translators including The Greek (NT--Textus Receptus), Hebrew (OT--Ben Chayyim Masoretic text),  the French (Martin Bible and Olivetan), the Italian (Diodati), the German (Luther Bible), the Czech (Kralice Bible/Bible kralická) the Spanish (RVG--Reina/Valera/Gomez), the Romaunt (2 dialects-Waldensian), Wycliffe's SUN Bible Paraphrase, the Pidgin (King Jems Baibel), the Pure Latin (Beza’s),  as well as the Old English (Tyndale, Coverdale, Bishops, Matthews, Geneva, Webster, etc.). We have also occasionally even learned from Chinese, Hindi, and Korean Pure-line Bibles or characters. 

The Gospel of John in now available, and we are working on the book of Matthew. However, we believe that all of the scripture is equally inspired by God and that  everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord needs to have ALL that God has given to us. 

As we continue to translate, we pray God will use this Bible to light the world with truth and fulfill the command of  Matthew 28:19,20. 

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." 

Although we strive for Biblical accuracy in translation, we are fallible human instruments. For comments or corrections, you may contact us here. 

Old Testament Books in Pure SUN

            New Testament Books in Pure SUN
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