What is Pure SUN?
Pure Symbolic Universal Notation is a language based on simple and often intuitive symbols to represent different words. For the deaf or illiterate this means Pure SUN may be learned more quickly than standard reading because the (often difficult to learn) sounds used in phonics are unnecessary. For the Bible-less parts of the world, this means people groups can quickly learn to understand the symbols and then read the Bible in their own language. Since Pure SUN has only about 100 basic characters that are then put together or slightly altered to form new words, the meaning of many harder words can often be "sounded out." This means, depending on the skill level, obstacles encountered, and daily time invested, Pure SUN may be easily learned in days or weeks to months.
How is Pure SUN different from the original SUN?
Pure SUN is very similar to that SUN from Wycliffe Bible Translators. The base characters are less than 10% different. However, in order to have enough words for a translation instead of a paraphrase, we have added quite a few characters. (Don't worry, most of these the meaning can be "sounded out.") In addition, a few characters have been changed. For example, sleep and rest in SUN were the same symbol. As you can see in the picture above, in Pure SUN a star has been added to the character for sleep, since we usually sleep at night when the stars are seen. Notice, in this case, the base character has remained the same, so someone who has learned SUN could easily still understand Pure SUN. While there are a few characters that are completely different (for various reasons), our translator and editor have endeavored to keep them the same as possible so people that understand SUN can easily learn or "sound out" a few more symbols and read the Pure SUN Bible.
What kind of experience does the Pure SUN translator have?
Our translator's name is fitting for a Pure SUN Bible translator. It means Lily (a flower that grows pure even in dirty water). Our translator believes God has been training her for many years for this job. She has worked with young children for over 30 years giving her knowledge on how to say things simply. She has some basic knowledge of Spanish and she also had the job of grading papers in French during her high school years. A grade school teacher taught her how to love diagramming sentences giving her a knowledge of grammar.
She loves working with languages and "cracking the code" in foreign Bibles to find words like God, angel, said, Jesus, etc. in languages she cannot speak. Within the scope of Bible work, she has worked with languages from every continent (except Antarctica). One of her favorite things to do is study the Bible digging into the Hebrew and especially the Greek. She also loves comparing scripture with scripture and has read the Bible through more than seven times. And most of all she serves a great big God who can provide wisdom to make up for all her deficiencies. Although a massive job stands before her, she claims the promise, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
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