The Pure SUN Bible, translated into Pure Symbolic Universal Notation, may be used to share the faithful word with the deaf, illiterate, unfortunate, or Bible-less people of the world.
This link includes picture dictionaries to aid in learning basic symbols in Pure Symbolic Universal Notation. Helps for additional symbols will be posted as they are finished.
Pure Symbolic Universal Notation is a language based on simple and often intuitive symbols to represent different words. For the deaf or illiterate this means Pure SUN may be learned more quickly than standard reading because the (often difficult to learn) sounds used in phonics are unnecessary. For the Bible-less parts of the world, this means people groups can quickly learn to understand the symbols and then read the Bible in their own language. Since Pure SUN has only about 100 basic characters that are then put together or slightly altered to form new words, the meaning of many harder words can often be "sounded out." This means, depending on the skill level, obstacles encountered, and daily time invested, Pure SUN may be easily learned in days or weeks to months.
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